Monday, March 31, 2008

Xslimmer 1.5.1

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License:Free to try; $9.95 to buy
Editor's Rating: Average
Downloads: 2,055 Requirements: Mac OS X 10.4
Limitations: See description
Date Added:March 17, 2008

Publisher's description of Xslimmer
view larger From LateNiteSoft:
Xslimmer reduces the disk space taken up by Universal Binary applications preserving just the Intel or PowerPC version. Xslimmer is a new and user-friendly way to size down your Universal Binary apps, without losing any of their functionality by removing the code inside the Universal Binaries that does not fit with your machine's architecture, a code that never gets executed and just wastes your disk space. Liberates up to 50 Mb of disk space.

Version 1.5.1 includes adjustments in 64-bit handling code, support for redundant or malformed localization folders, visual improvements, and other bug-fixes.

See more CNET content tagged:
Intel, app, code

Editor's review of Xslimmer
Save space with XSlimmerXSlimmer is an effective shareware tool that costs a lot less than buying a brand-new hard drive and is excellent at clearing out unnecessary code from your installer files. For a little more than the price of an Alexander Hamilton, XSlimmer will sweep your Applications folder and leave code suitable only for your computer. For example, if you've got an Intel processor, XSlimmer will cut down iTunes from 129MB to 31.6MB: That's gastric bypass surgery for your computer.

You can drag and drop specific programs into the main XSlimmer window, or you can hit the Genie button and it'll add every program it can find on your machine. Once you're ready to go, hit the Slim! button in the lower right corner and XSlimmer rips out unnecessary weight from your apps. Other buttons on the nav include Stop to halt the process, Clear to remove all unselected files, and Reveal to show the selected program in Finder. History reveals your behavior log.

There are some programs that are internally blocked by XSlimmer itself from the process--Safari is one that's blacklisted--but the app will make backups for you just in case you mess something up. The trial version limits users to liposuctioning 50MB. If you want to remove anything more, you'll have to pay.

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