Friday, May 30, 2008

MindChimes 4.0

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License: Free to try; $19.99 to buy
Editor's Rating: Average
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Downloads: 18,130
Requirements: Mac OS X
Limitations: 7-minute per launch trial
Date Added: December 30, 2003

Publisher's description of MindChimes
From MindChimes: MindChimes is a virtual wind chimes program created by a classical musician. The chime quality and wind patterns are beautiful, realistic, and natural. MindChimes runs in the background while you use your computer and does not interfere with any software. Choose from presets or create your own chime sets. Version 4.0 features a Chime Wizard.
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Editor's review of MindChimes
You don't have to practice feng shui or decorate your home in beaded curtains and lava lamps to enjoy this virtual sound effects program. Created by a classical musician and composer, MindChimes simulates chime sounds with wind patterns that are natural and believable. Nine chime sounds are available, from bells and crystal glass to bamboo. Most impressive is the fact that MindChimes' sound algorithm eschews looping, which creates a natural randomness that assures sounds will never play exactly the same way twice. For creative types, the Chime wizard lets you blend chime sounds using 10 octaves to create different moods and harmonies. The program's simple interface creates an intuitive environment in which to quickly start creating music with just one click. Occasionally we noticed that MindChimes would briefly stop making music when we closed certain application windows, but the music would quickly resume on its own. Overall, we found MindChimes to be a well-thought-out program and a refreshing alternative form of background music.

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