Friday, June 27, 2008

XYplorer 7.20

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License:Free to try; $29.95 to buy
Editor's Rating:Average

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Downloads: 3,770
Requirements:Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista
Limitations:30-day trial
Date Added:June 09, 2008

Publisher's description of XYplorer
view larger From Donald Lessau:
XYplorer is a multitabbed file manager for Windows, featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a portable file manager. It does not require any installation, stores all data in the program's folder, and running it does not change your system or registry.
Version 7.20 adds support for editing Unicode filenames.
See more CNET content tagged:
Microsoft Windows Explorer,
Microsoft Windows

Editor's review of XYplorer Explore with XYplorer
XYplorer is a shareware alternative to Windows Explorer that offers more tools and file information than the native file manager. You can have XYplorer automatically show thumbs in the document list, or you can use the info panel to get a full-size preview. The info panel offers a wealth of information about files with a powerful search tool that supports Boolean logic, regular expressions, whole word matching, fuzzy terms, and more to find any file quickly.
Although the search feature is arguably the best thing about XYplorer, there are other great features included. The program offers a traditional layout for users who want to keep a Windows Explorer feel, and a tabbed layout for those ready to move on. Users can also run XYplorer in conjunction with scripts and create shortcuts to other apps. At just a shade over 1MB, it's tiny, and since it doesn't edit your computer's Registry, XYplorer is completely portable and utterly worth trying.

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